Tutorial Requests

Yep ive used something like that. It will charge every cell to 4.2v. Building a pack with fully charged cells is technically more dangerous, BTW


anyone got in on this? it looks like it is one of those items that shipped :smile:


:lobster: :star2: :desert_island:


Can someone write tutorial explaining how to properly set motor and battery amps and how they impact behavior of motors (acceleration, braking, etc…)?

I have no idea what the “right” settings are…:sob:



Agreed, I see this question asked a lot.

This touches on it some to hold you over.


Yup, this is definitely needed. The tough thing is all the variables involved with different batteries and (v)sec capabilities. But we’ll try to get something going on this.


Yeah, tutorial will need to cover some broad topics.

Understanding how many amps batteries can discharge, how many amps motors are capable of taking, what capabilities of VESC one needs to be aware of…

How does each of the parameters below affect behavior of motor?

motor current: ??
battery current: ??
motor current regen: ??
battery current regen: ??

I tried to read this explanation but I’m still struggling to understand. Wish someone could ELI5…:rofl:.

This is to basic there is a ton of YouTube videos explaining them settings

What’s needed is some one going thro the advanced menu explaining what each box dose and how it effects the vesc’s

Basic for you maybe… I’m just going off Trampa (Frank’s) explanation (link above) and it was a little over my head.

And I disagree about YouTube videos, they just tell you to set values (seems arbitrary) without explaining how it affects behavior/performance (not helpful).

I would love to see an “HFI for dummies” as I tried to set up hfi a few times with zero luck.


I used this video.

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Can anybody please do a quick fusion 360 run through? I’ve tried to watch YouTube but I can find any videos made by like minded people as me… and it just so happens all of you degenerates, well your my people.

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this series has been recommended to me in the past, and billed as very good but requires patience. i know it doesn’t answer your request but may be a starting point.

separately i think @BBQGhoul has also been getting intimate with fusion360. maybe he has recommendations?

I watch alot of videos by punished props. They also have an academy for tutorials including fusion 360 for creating their models

I learnt making the robogotchi case by pressing buttons and seeing what they cause


I’ve worked in automotive and construction most of my life. I have always been good at learning with my hands. I have also done door to door sales for a few years so I got good at learning people. Then I worked at Best Buy doing sales for a bit and started “learning” computers. Back to construction now but still love to learn and work with my hands. I have never got over the fact that I would love to learn the basics of coding.


I really like the videos by Lars Christensen. Really easy to follow and well presented content


I learned 4 languages over 3 years and am still not a coder by any means. I can look at code and follow through what’s going on but I really struggle with the command/function words used and the weirdly specific requirements of each language.

Definitely look into the basics of it though, it really helps you mentally lay things out in your mind and can be somewhat relaxing at times. Focus on one language though, I think that’s what confuzzled my brain.


At the risk of looking like I didn’t read this thread yet…

Tutorial on basic CAD design using fusion. Or at least some good reccos as to who to learn from. I made a donut yesterday. Well I took a cylinder and put a hole in it and chamfered the edges… Need to LEARN!! Almost overwhelming the amount of vids available, would like to know how y’all learned and who from.


Edit: oh crap, it’s like 5 posts up. Annnnddd I’m sorry…


Man I would happily make one for solidworks but everyone uses fusion. Wonder if it would transfer over more or less.


I mostly learned by having a goal object (was a simple 3mm thick rectangle to hide a hole) and looking at every description of tool when you hover over it. I still don’t know what everything does but I’m now good enough to have fun
Once you have the most basic functions understood, everything seems to fall into place :slightly_smiling_face:
Made my own version of leg extensions for my Ikea tables yesterday cus everyone has flaps for walls and I didn’t need those