Huge thanks to that frumunda thunda @glyphiks
Ye boi. You killed it
Will it still take a charge?
I like it.
That epoxy came quick! Make sure you get the right ratio by weight(different ratio than by volume). Think it’s 100:43, says on the box.
Times get rough and life’s bitch… but what are ya gonna do marry her? Highly unlikely. Rent to pay mouths to feed yadda yadda… I spent thins time to refine my process a bit while making p packs…
New method in blue olde in red. Same amount of time. Roughly.,.
I know because I was about an hour into this print when I switched methods.
Thanks @poastoast for the design. You truly are, doing the lords work.
Also let this be known this was no science experiment. I didn’t plot out a course. I didn’t have a hypothesis… and I have yet to see any conclusions. But desperate times call for desperate measures…
Caulk is a lot like epoxy… in the sense that sometimes you have to bide your time for the proper tack… too early and you’ll be scrubbing with a rag… too late and you’ll be going at it with a razor blade… just gotta be very dude about it.