fair enough, best i found was a STAHLWERK AC/DC TIG 200 puls ST IGBT for 649.
I’ll see what i can find! Thank you again
fair enough, best i found was a STAHLWERK AC/DC TIG 200 puls ST IGBT for 649.
I’ll see what i can find! Thank you again
Next time I’m down we can do some things to stack some dimes.
Lol, “stacking dimes” is “real welder” lingo! Show us your true colors
This is a toy that I’m researching.
Stepcraft Q.408 CNC System | Stepcraft, Inc.
I have an Axiom AR8 Pro 2’ x 4’ router table right now and I love it, but I’d like to go bigger and have automated spindle changing. Axiom does have a larger table (4’ x 4’) in a slightly heavier weight build, but it doesn’t have auto spindle-change.
The stepcraft is 4’ x 8’ with auto spindle-change. I could mill 8 decks at a time “set it and forget it”. That would be dope.
You could hire me and be like “hey man spindle change” and I’ll be like “yessir.” Seems automatic to me.🤷🤣