First CNC Build

Just something like this? Makita RT0701C 1-1/4 HP Compact Router

I mean I would definitely like to only spend a hundred bucks while I’m learning and will most likely break it.


Yeah that one is fine, cheap enough to be replaceable whem it fails and there are mounts readily available.

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can you use just one rail and two carriages per axis? Ha I know you’re should use two per but has anyone gotten away with one?

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Nice! You need both for sure

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I still haven’t decided on the size I want to make haha I could just cut these in half and get some more bearings they are 1500mm. I’m worried 1500 will be too big




I was asking about your total z axis? I’m ordering ball screws soon and I am still second guessing on dimensions.

Thread poaching… sorry not sorry @TheRef :rofl: :eyes: :+1:t2:

can anyone recommend a fiscally responsible DIY KIT for a CNC router, I’d like the bed to be able to handle about a meter in X, 20Cm or so in Y, and 25 or so mm in Z… needs high precision for cutting foam cores, out of 25# to 90# compression foam, and also handle MDF or Formica for making compression molds (yeah I’ll back it all up with aluminum plates for rigidity)

It’d be sweet to be able to make my own foam cores and molds, but most probably be cheaper, in the end, to not fuck with it and just farm out the jobs…

Thanks if you have any positive input…


Im actually still relatively cheap on my build and I decided to go bigger so I have some 550mm ballscrews to sell if you decide to build your own


It’s getting there… slowly but surely.


I see you are going for a pretty small modest build.


@TheRef, here are stepper motors I was telling you about, I could let them go cheap, but first you might want to choose your control.


Those are some nice steppers!

I will have a Mach 3 NVEM controller for sale soon, 70 euros shipped to the US with UPS.

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How much you want? Ill definitely snag em from you. I was gonna do this one. Now it’s out of stock… seems like a decent entry 32 bit controller. xPRO V5 Motion Control System - Maker Store USA

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I will definitely take you up on that… how long are you thinking?


I think around the end of the month :ok_hand:

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Sweet I will plan on it! You are on telegram right?


Yes im in the CADaholics group too

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sweet! hit me with the deets @thatcreepcanroll

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