FreeSK8 Mobile App (Android & iOS)

Great work team on point.:ok_hand::face_with_monocle:


How to obtain an app? I fill up form but there is no answer :, (


Sometimes it takes a few days for us to loop around on invites, I’ll get the list updated today


Still nothing and robogotchi and gps is laying and waiting :stuck_out_tongue:


Uh oh :frowning: I sent you a message so we can get this straightened out.


Sorry, dude. I should have followed up on this.


Another update is rolling out right now. We were mostly resolving reported issues and have patched a pretty big bug that was causing the occasional flash memory corruption. We recommend you sync your log files before receiving this update if possible. In addition there is a new advanced feature for Exporting and Importing your FreeSK8 data.

The Export routine is quite safe. Depending on how much data you have there may be a delayed response from the button (I’d like feedback) while it creates a zip file of your board avatars, settings, database and logs. You’ll be prompted to share this file and you can save it to Google Drive or iCloud as a backup of your FreeSK8 data.

The Import routine on the other hand is marked with Caution as it will ask you for the location of a FreeSK8 Data Backup and then replace your database, avatars, and logs with those from the backup. There is no merging of old data here. Meaning whatever you had before the Import will be removed and replaced with the contents of the backup.

The Export and Import options are hanging out in the Advanced section of the Configuration tab and are very likely to change over time, especially when we bring data services online. For now they should be considered experimental and use at your own risk. There are limitations when it comes to importing cross platform and between iOS devices. Mainly due to BLE device identifiers being MAC on Android and UUID on iOS.

The flash memory corruption was due to the QSPI component booting in 24-bit addressing mode. When the file system attempted manipulate anything past the 24-bit boundary corruption would occur and we’d have to format the storage (NGGYU - aka Gotchi Fault). Changes were made to enable 32-bit addressing in both the flash memory and the SDK which allowed us to fill the entire storage device repeatedly without corruption.

Some release notes goodness:

FreeSK8 Mobile


* Added feature to export and import your FreeSK8 data
* Moved configuration tab to end of list
* Added UTC offset to log file header
* Display Icon in AppBar when performing Sync
* Fix flicker smart BMS cell data
* Fix flickering board avatar in configuration view
* Retry file if sync produces incorrect file size
* Fix logic for determining maximum ESC temp with multiple ESCs
* Fix long floating point values in input configuration
* Other fixes and improvements



* Fixed flash memory corruption issue
* Changed LOG_ESC watt_hours to 32-bit value
* Improved text printing method for display buffer
* Updated file system library to latest version
* Improvements made to support 50Hz logging
* Other fixes and improvements


This is a big one for us as it closes any major remaining known-issues and clears our way to a public release.

Great work as always Renee!

Very cool that it’s stable at this speed. RIP your log transfer times. :joy:


great work folks!


This is a major milestone! Stoked for you guys, congratulations on a fucking huuuuuuge effort!

tenor (1) (5)


A new release should be available by the end of tomorrow. There are small changes and bug fixes along with a new Robogotchi firmware. Nothing too special but a bit of effort was put into resolving bugs in the sync process, particularly when stopping a sync and starting over. Your board avatar will now show up on the map when you tap on the chart. There is also a new max battery amps icon on the map that will reveal the updated event dialog.

One thing to note is I’ve been trying to replicate a reported bug where an iOS device has disconnected while sitting in the background for an extended period of time but the app appears connected. If anyone experiences this and can shed some light as to how to replicate the issue I would appreciate the help. In the past week of trying I was only able to trigger the issue once which made testing a fix impossible. I left a debug message in the log AppLifecycleState: Navigating to Connection tab (unexpectedDisconnect) if my fix is triggered but you’d have to manually look for it any time you’ve come back to a disconnected device.

Many thanks to everyone in the beta chat for the help and suggestions!

FreeSK8 Mobile

* Added Help & Support dialog to the menu
* Implement syncstart command
* Display board avatar on map with chart selection
* Display max battery amps on map
* Improved dialog for selected map events
* Fix for known devices after importing data backup
* Improvements to the sync process
* Testing fix for backgrounded iOS disconnects

* Implement syncstart command
* Improvements to the sync process
* Finalizing GPS time sync when event is written
* Updating time ESC/GPS responded with settime command

Another update is here! This one was focused on GPS speed and distance calculations for those who might be using a vehicle with multiple gear ratios, something with no wheels at all or just spend more time spinning tires than going forward :grinning:

Basically, there is a preference to prefer GPS speed and distance values when viewing a log file. You can switch this on or off at any time.

When enabled the app will graph your GPS speed instead of what is reported by the ESC and the travel distance will be computed from the GPS coordinates. You’ll see an indication of the GPS preference when the dot is filled in on the Distance Traveled icon.

There is also the addition of quick statistics. A long press on any log entry will display the board name and few extra details about your trip.

A few small issues were addressed but are quite boring. There is a new Robogotchi firmware with fixes for the logged GPS speed which unfortunately means existing logs will have speed reported in knots instead of kph :woman_facepalming: It’s ok.

FreeSK8 Mobile 

* Allow GPS speed and distance to be displayed in log
* Long press log entry to view quick statistics
* Display Fahrenheit temperatures in log viewer when enabled
* Fix wheel diameter conversion
* Fix initial Volts gauge value
* Other fixes and improvements
* Including Robogotchi 0.10.1 firmware



* Converting NMEA RMC speed to kph
* Fix GPS speed data conversion

The pace of improvements is incredible. Great work as always!


:pray::pray::pray: So quick! Thank you


Great app can’t wait to try it :clap::clap::clap:


A small update is in review containing fixes and usability updates. Everything worked on was reported by our beta testers, so again, thank you all for helping!

If you have a Spintend Ubox this update is expected to resolve issues connecting to it’s internal bluetooth adapter.

FreeSK8 Mobile

* Fix average speed computation in share file summary
* Do not re-display connection dialog if dismissed
* Resetting BLE buffer if data alignment is lost
* Allow more time for initialization messages to be received
* Widen time & distance column of RideLogging listView
* Fix FOC wizard's battery amps text controllers
* Start BMS cell count from 1
* Display balancing cells with positive value and orange color
* Hiding BMS SoC when value equals 50% for Flexi users
* Using radio selection for Single, Dual, Quad ESC modes

Would this app be useful for a guy like me who just has a vanilla Focbox and no robogotchi or the like?
It would be great if I could use this to see my voltage. Connecting with VESC Tool is so painful for that, and my XV1 remote just has four lights.

My BMS is a “xiaoxiang” and the app is too buggy to use for this as well. I don’t expect FreeSK8 could connect to a xiaoxiang but it should be able to get the voltage from the VESC right?


If you’re running vesc firmware, and have a bluetooth module, you should be able to connect with the freesk8 app


A bit late to the party, but I’m just started using the app for iPhone via TestFlight.
Really like it. Especially settings are very comfortable to change. Metr and vesc tool app was always a bit confusing and needed time to get used to. Here it was self explaining.

I‘m using it with a nrf module. It’s a beta unit from the metr guys, so basically the trampa dongle with an integrated antenna on the pcb.

I had two disconnects while looking through the app thou sitting 2m away from the module.
Sitting directly close to the module was fine so far. Gonna need to check that later on what caused it.


Does it work with Focbox Unity? I filled out the form, would love to test it out.