I’m working on an alternate back for mine with finger loops. The pop-socket think never worked for me, but this might. I just need to work on the sizing and placement.
This worked out well. Feels really nice and snug in the hand. It’s no longer all that pocketable tho I just uploaded this rendition of the back to thingiverse.
Oh yes! I just wanted to ask you to add something like that to the design, just did know how to explain
Looking good, just easy to brake I guess?
Maybe it’s even enough to have less of that finger loop there. Just enough to get a hold when you hold it between your fingers.
Like this
But instead make the holder more wide.
Believe it or not it’s really solid. I was worried about that as well. I printed this with ABS at 20% fill. I bet it could survive being dropped.
Did have fat gloves to test it with?
On the picture it looks like it just fits right for fingers only.
I can definitely make a glove-friendly version.
I like the first version more
I would suggest having this attachment to be able to be bolted with a screw from the inside, and maybe a square recess on the outside so it can’t rotate over time
I might be able to pull that off.
We know you can, your modelling work is dank.
That’s getting better and better
Thanks man! I originally wanted to make it fold but didn’t know how to make it happen. I finally figured it out.
For the bolt on version, which size bolt did you use?
That’s a great question. I found it in a cup of random nuts and bolts. It looks like a 13mm wood-screw.