Hmm. Yeah I have marked them for 80mm. Cut will be a couple mm and then draft a little bit and it might be close… prolly 18650 cells so think it’ll be ok
Also might add some length to each segment to fix my planning fuck up. Maybe a layer 9’mm mdf to end of each segment will ease any worries
My thoughts and prayers are with you. May Skatan have mercy on your soul.
Thankyou for your prayers
the love affair with the bog and the sander continues
It certainly does…
Hope I didn’t bite off more than I can chew here.
Moving it along in any case. Assembly commenced, segments begin to be glued onto the base.
Base is 2 layers of 3mm MDF, laminated to match deck concave. Will form fillets from segments onto this before paint (and more sanding)
Dude this is gonna be sexy as hell
Gonna be good and deep with the Hummie cutout also - about 50mm (2/18MDF plus about 13mm recess.)
A bit nervous about segment size, after your warning. It’s on the edge.
It looks like you do, but its hard to tell, you got draft on the segments?
Yup. Maybe 5mm draft on each side, over a 40mm segment height.
In my experience, some draft is enough draft
Slow progress…gluing the segments on and filling & sanding the junctions with the base.
Last couple gluing now, hopefully spray paint it in the weekend, ready for more sanding…
How do you get those bog fillets so nice?
I’m not sure if your taking the piss here mate, but I’ll bite.
Slap it on with one spatula and scrape it back with a rounded end of another one. Then heat gun to speed up the cure time and then as soon as it’s firm enough to sand, it’s 40 grit and then 220 grit
Sanding as soon as possible makes it easier, before the bog has hardened too much.
The polyester primer I’m gonna use can build a reasonable thickness so I’m not stressing too much on small surface defects. Brush applied it on the last enclosure buck, sprayer should be way better this time.
Lol i’m terrible at bog. I envy your bog skills
Woah, how have I missed this? Gonna be amazing.
No small undertaking!
How big are the smaller segments?
Hopefully big enough. Haha. getting a hit nervous about that now…
Should be 70mm ish🤞 minimum plus draft by about 170 wide plus draft.
If it’s all too small, after making a mould off it, my backup plan is to vac form a thick plastic layer over it with maybe 3mm thick styrene and then make another mould over the exterior of that (could add a couple mm offset thickness to each face).
Goddamn bro it’s looking awesome. I may need to commission one from you if it all goes to plan
Sunny day in the workshop today
Primer on. Will need sanding and another go, as coverage was thin and crappy in parts - no spray painting skillz.