Oof that’s a lot of pressure. They are just a few handmade sabers. I was getting a feel for a manual lathe and mostly having fun. These were pretty well loaded with features we developed at home though. Interial sensor, data storage, audio amplifier, WiFi, self hosted web configuration, multiple power output options for LED strips or laser output and probably a bunch of stuff I forgot over the years.
The pics were hard to go through so it took me a while… (i apologise)
My name is Justin. New to DIY esk8 but didn’t like the esk8 news forum because there’s too much joking around. I’m more of a serious man myself anyways and love the development going on around here. I was also told there’s a GillBordon who’s super handsome here
Bro. That really blows. There’s nothing like the sort of freedom we have over here. We grab our shit at any given time and just ride pretty much anywhere without major issues
Hopefully things take a turn for the good brother
Eventually they’ll need to understand that pev are beneficial for the environment