Booh! Haero 3DServisas MBS E-Toxx Lacroix TorqueBoards

They must have just received them. All the buttons I’ve seen up to this one have been just like yours.


Can I have your board…?


@skate420 literally owned everyone who thought they had a pair. Well played woman. :metal::zap:


How did I miss this!? :triumph:
So amazing, and very clean!

I have a very similar ESC box in the works with the mr60 connector in the enclosure as well. It looks really sleek the way you have done it.

I’m planning on putting the mt60 on the sides though because my ESC enclosure sticks out on my board so if I put the phase wires behind, when I lift the board up it rests on the wires first :grimacing:.

I’m curious with what tool you made the X motor plate?


Yes. It’s yours if you yourself arrive here in the next 6 hours. After that I’m taking it back.


Good news! You didn’t miss it because here you are! That’s cool you are making your own ESC enclosure as well. The X plate for the FreeSK8 GPS module and the plates used for the motors spacers were cut on a 3 axis CNC with tungsten carbide bits.


Ah I see. I was hoping it was some witchcraft drilling and manual routing. The result with cnc is amazing tho!

Is that a thin plate of polycarbonate under the dog bone seen on the ESC case? I think it looks rad like that… I have something similar on my battery case. Just a prototype, I have something cooking behind the scenes with a build thread soon.


That pack of silica :rofl:


Condensation builds at the top, I have been collecting silica packets for exactly this reason :rofl:


Could make a lid a tiny bit taller and add a compartment to hide them in?

I just diyed it with diy teabags and pure silica litter. Was 13$ for the bucket


Yes yes adding 35mm of height and some cool gadgets, thanks for spoiling the party :joy::kissing_heart:

My silica gel is uhm special. If you zoom in you will see coloured balls (very sexy I know)
Yellow is when the silica is dry and green is when they start absorbing maximum humidity. So you know how much condensation you get depending how quickly you go green. Pop them in the microwave and then they turn yellow again and can be reused.


Yep. I milled down the surface around the bone so it would sit flush with the aluminum face. This also left a clear edge for light to come through.

I made an interior light harness that connects to the stormcore aux uart port for 5V

It’s getting crowded. See if you can learn from my mistakes. Truth be told, I was so excited to have a new CNC project that I never finished the full 3D model of the ESC enclosure. Just the sketches and a visual in my mind. So compromises were made along the way. It’s not perfect but it’s uniquely mine.

The charger is ready! Well mostly. The voltage needs to be turned down a little. I went with the LTT BMS ordered from so I could test the FreeSK8 Mobile connectivity. It’s easy enough to swap out later if/when I desire a more integrated solution.

Another thing finished is the grip! I love the way it came out. Time will tell how long it lasts :slight_smile:


The moment I thought it can’t get better it actually got better :joy:
Like that blue light. Kind a relaxing :relieved:


Awesome job, I hope you don’t mind that I plan to reuse your idea. So, if you see my copycat approach as the highest forum of flattery, can you be so kind to provide a shopping list for creating the light harness?

Also, if I consider this ESC, it has a dedicated 12V / 3A output for accessories, so looking at lighting options


Thanks :slight_smile: For the lights I used a 4 pin JST PH connector, 5mm LEDs each with a 100ohm resistor.


I demand updates right meow.


Ah shucks! It’s mostly been hauling me around and wearing me out on the trails.

Let’s see. The front end is about half way finished. I’m loving the carbon tubes and the thick aluminum brackets but haven’t finished the lighting installation.

This is the time of year I get to skate in the sunshine. I have some basic models printed to attach the lights to the tubes and everything in hand to power and wire them up. There are some aluminum scraps to replace the prints that will undoubtedly fail on hand as well. When it’s priority I imagine it’ll come to fruition.

Until yesterday I’ve been riding around with bindings but no heel straps. Even found some small jumps to see what going airborne with a 25kg board feels like. Kinda apprehensive about being extra strapped in which I wasn’t expecting after preferring bindings. Maybe I’ll just use the heels sometimes?


Yeah I only throw the heel straps on if I’m jumping something sketchy.

I still try to step out of my bindings with the heel straps on sometimes :expressionless:


:muscle::muscle::muscle: big bullbar love :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

You getting a build thread up on ESN?


Why she has it on here?

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That is hurtful.

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