FreeSK8 Robogotchi/GPS Module

Probably should add it to the wiki manual and the product page.


firmware 420? I heard that went up in smoke? :slight_smile:


@skate420 looks like 5.2 official will release soon. maybe time to get some official support ready :smiley:

im running the latest beta with my robo if you need anything testing.


After changing to a 7-pin for the external uart port on the Unity, I know have it working, but want to run my DavegaX at the same time. So, how can I determine which pin is the 5v on the internal uart? I cant find the internal uart on any diagrams. The BT displays the RX, TX, and GND, but with 3.3v and I assume I should stick with 5v for the Robogotchi.

Edit: nevermind, figured out after a couple beers…

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Perfect, even my dumbass can understand that message, thanks.


I guess it’s not as plug’n’play as I was hoping. Robogotchi and DavegaX are both on and operating, but FreeSK8 app does not see the Unity using the internal uart port. Any ideas? I impressed myself finding the 5v pin, so I don’t expect any more out of me tonight.


No Unity experience, sorry to say.


The internal UART on the Unity appears to be running at 250k baud instead of 115200.

I’ll chat with Jeffro on it.


yeah the internal uart 1 is hardcoded to set baud-rate for the Bluetooth module.

There’s also a second internal uart on the spare pins in there. On the old unity firmware this could be activated by setting a flag during compile. not sure if its supported in FW5.2. i have heard of people running davega off this second internal uart before.

If you run detection in freesk8 i think it auto sets it to 85

so… 3 uart ports?

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I’d like to figure this out. I barely have enough room in my build so the unity was my only option. You have any clue where you found this info by chance? I already have a DaVega and just need to get my robo-g in there asap.


I can just recompile the firmware with that UART set to 115200 but I will need Sean to Stig it up for us in testing first before we let anyone else play.

He’s the designated DRI test pilot anyway; he’s got the best health insurance out of all of us.



And yes

They’ll at least know who I am for faster verification after my crash…


Found similar discussion on the other forum


Finally got to setting up the Robo as well as the Bruce. I gotta say, this is some stellar work! The app itself is pretty impressive already, other than the overlapping numbers I have no complaints. The Mario beep upon start up is a nice surprise, which unfortunately got muffled once the enclosure goes on haha. I also hooked up the Bruce and although its a right handed remote for my left handed self, I surprisingly found it okay for my right hand to use. Did a few test rounds around my area and I really like how it feels. Great work Andrew and team!


Whoa @Linny would you mind sending a PM with more information on your phone/OS?

There’s something off with the scaling there; is it possible your system UI has had the scale modified or is this all stock? I haven’t seen this on any of the test devices we have here, and currently the size of those digits are pulled from your system settings.

Appreciate the feedback! This is what we’re trying to track down, which is always a challenge across all the different phone hardware/software being used.

Tagging @skate420 for visibility


Sure, PM incoming


v0.9.0 is available on Google Play & will be live on iOS App via Testflight store shortly

v0.9.0 FreeSK8 Mobile App Release Notes

* New logging file format
* Reduced sync time
* Estimate sync time remaining
* Swipe right in ride logging list view to share CSV
* Support for smart BMS on CAN ID 10 or 11
* Updated map icons
* Map centers on chart selection
* Display top speed and highest ESC temp on map
* Increase map size for larger devices
* Reduced points rendered on chart and map
* New secret "feature"
* Other fixes and improvements

It coincides with firmware v0.7.0 for the Robogotchi (found on the firmware update wiki & robogotchi channels)

v0.7.0 Robogotchi Firmware Release Notes

* New logging file format
* Updated melodies
* Fix crash if nack is received outside sync

Important: Due to the change in logging file format, Beta testers will want to sync/transfer all logs they would like to retain from their Robogotchi prior to updating if they’d like to retain those logs.

Major improvement on the log sync/transfer times with this update- great work @skate420!


Finally had mine connected today use the 4 pin connector on the side of the stormcore as main UART is connected to davegx. I am using a pixhawk drone GPS, it’s an enhanced version of m8n and had the added advantage of being waterproof. All went swimmingly until I did the fw upgrade to 7.x.
Now it won’t let me connect and no option to enter the pin just access denied. No soup for you…